Return of the Light

Return of the Light © Stefanie Neumann - All Rights Reserved.

Imbolc Bordüre Handcrafted © Stefanie Neumann - All Rights Reserved.Dieser Beitrag ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar.

On February 1st we celebrated Imbolc  –  the Celtic spring.  This date marks the entry into the light half of the year.

Imbolc is an old feast.  The times are changing.  And so do traditions.  And it is good as it is.

Yet, I am always astonished at how it is actually noticeable that the light returns with the start of February.  How a whiff of spring is in the air in the midst of the Gregorian winter.  And how, all of a sudden, I find myself yearning for that light whereas I rather enjoy the candle light and coziness during the dark half of the year.

The return of the light also can be understood as am impulse to shine our own light.  It is an invitation to step out of the coziness of winter’s darkness and enjoy how the bright sunlight is warming us and fills us with golden joy.

It also gives us a chance to be present in this moment and allow awareness for the flux around us.

Today I step into the light and allow the song of my heart to play loud and clear.”

-Stefanie Neumann

Are you ready to shine your light and transform the world into a brighter place?

Much love,